What is Epigenetic’s?

Your DNA holds the key to your wellness and longevity. By utilizing information obtained with a simple mouth swab, this test gives you the information about everything from how you metabolize caffeine to which specific eating plan and personal supplementations work best for your body.

Epigenetics determines if, when and how your genes will express. It is the information from the environment of your daily life, such as the foods you eat, thoughts you think, products you clean with and put on your skin and the region you live in that in each moment informs your genetic code. This process is what informs your cells of how “safe” the world is and what the body needs to adapt and respond, in order for you to not just survive but thrive.

Epigenetics is an expansive field of study that’s taking the wellness world by storm with unprecedented accuracy and personalized insights, proving the science behind how your body responds to its environment, down to its cellular level.

How does it work?

Step 1

Order a DNA test kit

Once purchased, a DNA test kit gets shipped directly to you. All your genetic information is kept anonymous and is only referenced by numerals.

Step 2

Send in your sample

Use the included prepaid mailer to return your saliva sample test kit back to the private lab for processing. This takes about 4-6 weeks.

Step 3

Schedule your Session

In roughly a month, your data will be back from the lab and ready for interpretation! When your report is ready, you'll receive an email that it's time to schedule your session with your coach.

What kind of information do we get from testing your genes?

Get an in-depth look at how to optimize your approach to wellness on:

  • Optimize your metabolism. Heal your gut. Drop the diets that don’t work and learn what’s most efficient for you. Learn which foods work best, potential food sensitivities and triggers, ideal macro ratios, fats digestion and preferences, appetite and satiety, sugar cravings and behavioral insights. This specific panel will give you insights on:

    • Hunger & satiety

    • Insulin Resistance

    • Dairy Digestion

    • Gluten Sensitivity

    • Grain Sensitivity

    • Carbohydrates

    • Total Fats

    • Saturated Fats

    • Polyunsaturated Fats

    • Monounsaturated Fats

    • Protein

    • Plant Sterols

    • Metabolism

  • Ready to sleep like a baby? Identify areas of support opportunity with latency, quality, circadian sensing, disruption, and patterns. You’ll also learn about your melatonin production, conversion, and metabolism of these compounds. As well as which type of support will be most supportive for you! This specific panel will give you insights on:

    • Circadian Propensity

    • Melatonin

    • Sleep Onset

    • Sleep Disruption

    • Sleep Duration

    • Daytime Drowsiness

    • Sleep Movement

  • Work smarter, not harder. Optimize your activity plane with insights on recovery, injury potential, and assessment of your body’s preferences in strength, cardio, endurance, power and more. This specific panel will give you insights on:

    • VO2 Max

    • Cardiovascular VO2 Max

    • Metabolic + Muscular VO2 Max

    • Muscle Fatiguability

    • Recovery

    • Strength + Hypertrophy

    • Endurance

    • Power / Sprint

    • Soft Tissue

  • This category alone can save you a small fortune if you’re having complex signs of distress. Sometimes success is beyond controlling input and more about optimizing detox and output. Identify details of multiple phases that impact hormonal balance, toxic load handling, cellular aging and repair, and much more. This specific panel will give you insights on:

    • Phase 1 Detox

    • Methylation

    • Acetylation

    • Glutathione System

    • Mitochondria

    • Mold Sensitivity

    • Lyme Intensity

    • Envirotoxin + Pollution Sensitivity

    • Histamine Sensitivity

    • Heavy Metal Processing + Impact

  • Address micronutrient needs, vitamin conversion, gut health and absorption. Ditch the multivitamins and learn how you can save money by streamlining only what you need most. This specific panel will give you insights on:

    • Vitamin B12

    • Vitamin B6

    • Vitamin A

    • Selenium

    • Magnesium

    • Choline

    • Vitamin C

    • Vitamin E

    • Vitamin D

    • Vitamin K

    • Folate

    • Thiamine

    • Copper

    • Zinc

    • Iron

    • Nitric Oxide

    • Sodium

    • Caffeine

  • Beyond the blood / urine labs that change all the time, your genetic hormone insights can show you the fastest path to optimization. Additional labs can be helpful but most often aren’t necessary to get even better, longer-lasting results. This specific panel will give you insights on:

    • Thyroid

    • Autoimmune Thyroid

    • Cortisol

    • Estrogen

    • Testosterone

    • Bone Density

Just one test gives you 60 tests in one little cheek swab, and you never need to test again since your genes never change!

Why DNA?

The main reason for so much conflicting information in the world of wellness, is because of genetic variation, or bio-individuality. Your DNA provides the exact blueprint for what foods, supplements, sleep patterns, exercise and lifestyle choices will naturally lead to the very best you. We can clearly see how your body handles so many chemical processes and reactions, so that we can identify any area of discord and opportunities for optimization.

Understanding these key factors and how your body functions best allows you to follow the lifestyle that best supports you without question. This test shines critical light on root causes of harmony or discord that are currently creating the future of your health and wellness, as well as tons of insights essential to vitality, longevity, and prevention.

Your designer genes report shows you an in-depth look at how to optimize your entire approach to wellness in a holistic way like never before. These incredible insights provide an indisputable blueprint for your most effective, streamlined wellness approach EVER.


If you knew exactly what to do for your body, mind and spirit to truly thrive. Imagine if you could optimize your health and wellness on every level, from the inside out. Imagine knowing how to make the right lifestyle choices for yourself—and having all the support you need to get started! With practitioner-grade functional genomics testing, you'll receive a full-body blueprint with your specific codes to optimize your entire wellness approach like never before. With over 60+ insights about your body's best path to optimization and longevity, you'll have all the answers you need, all from one swab of your cheek, no retesting necessary. Your DNA informs us what foods, supplements, sleep patterns, exercise and lifestyle choices will naturally lead to the best you. You will learn how your body handles chemical processes and reactions, so that you can go right to the root of any areas of discord. You'll have all the understanding and support you need to get started successfully with your 2 hour 1:1 video coaching session with me, your Certified Epigenetics Coach to detail your results and personalized action plan. Nothing is cookie-cutter; specific solutions only.