• Epigenetics is the study of the interactions between your individual DNA patterns and environmental elements like nutrition, exercise, stress levels, and sleep. You may eliminate trial-and-error from the equation of maximizing your general wellbeing by studying how your particular chemical processes work best.

    You will be coached on how to best support your body so that you can feel your very best, reduce your risk of disease, and lengthen your life thanks to this immensely essential knowledge. Before attempting yet another diet, workout, or lifestyle change, have you ever wished you understood precisely what will work for your body? If you've ever felt like you wasted money on supplements or couldn't really tell if your vitamins were doing anything for you... then stop guessing and start testing!

  • We now have the evidence and technology, thanks to decades of clinical research, to understand how your particular gene codes react to a variety of stimuli (such as food, exercise, sleep, and stress), and we can thus unlock your Designer Genes codes for the highest level of optimization using your own well-defined approach.

    It is similar to having the Ultimate User's Guide to your body to know your gene codes and how to incorporate them into daily life, enabling you to work smarter, not harder.

    You simply swab your cheek, and I'll take care of the rest.

  • Although lab tests are useful for cross-referencing, and tracking, they mostly focus on treating the symptoms rather than identifying the underlying causes. They don't typically offer a cure for the underlying problem because they merely display what is happening in your body right now.

    Genetics is useful in this situation. We're looking at how your body is actually programmed to function at its very best. You'll see inflammation decrease fast and easily when you adopt lifestyle changes, such as sleeping, exercising, and eating according to your physical makeup, because you're giving your body what it needs! You only need to take this test once, and your individual blueprint contains a plethora of information.

  • Compared to other consumer tests currently available, the clinical test I use has a proprietary screening panel that examines 120,000 more SNPs (genetic markers), many of which include lifestyle and longevity factors that aid in the development of a highly comprehensive wellness plan for each person. Incredibly better security measures than any Direct-to-Consumer test are also there; see below.

    In this case, professional reading and interpretation are also of genuine worth. An automatically created report can give you with genetic information, but it won't ask you about your present worries or suggest beneficial changes to your lifestyle. A human expert touch is essential to comprehending how to apply all of this data.

    Genes are like the cards you've been given; epigenetics is how to play your best hand. The greatest distinctions between genetics and epigenetics are coaching and implementation.

  • Valid concern! Unlike Direct-to-Consumer tests that openly sell your data to pharmaceutical companies, the company I'm working with uses a barcode and your email to track test kits and results. This test is designed for clinical use and application, so it's far more secure and in-depth than any DIY kit on the market.

    If you’ve ever had lab work done, you likely already have far more data stored than this test will ever connect to you.

    Also, raw test data is only stored in the database for 90 days and can be deleted upon your request. Your information is never sold, unlike any products that are marketed and sold Direct-to-Consumer.